Cat in the sun

Our cat Annie is fond of sitting on our fence watching the world go by. She’s intrigued by birds and other animals, but has no chance of ever being a hunter: the domineering Noisy Miner birds definitely control the local territory. (Don’t they control most areas now?)


Annie manages to strike a pose while sleeping

Despite her embarrassingly un-feline lack of hunting prowess, lately we’ve had to be more careful about letting Annie out because the local council is very strict about cats. Several neighbours have been very upfront about their dislike of cats.

I respect the reasoning behind the restrictions, but it has taken some adjustment for Annie – very much an outdoors girl – to stay inside most of the day. We got her from the RSPCA and have no idea what kind of life she had before she went there, but I’m sure she spent a lot of time out in the sun and fresh air. Possibly being dive-bombed by Noisy Miners.

Recently I put her outside on a sunny day, and after a while I noticed she’d found a new spot to doze.

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Yep, on top of the baby spinach

Although I was a bit sad to see the baby spinach squashed, I wasn’t about to begrudge Annie this small luxury. I have a whole packet of the seeds left anyway.

She’s since moved on from the baby spinach container, to more standard sun spot fare.

Happy in the sun

Oh, to be a cat in the sun!